Are There Any Tracking Devices That Actually Work?
We are going to Disneyland. Our 6 year old can sometimes be a runner so we're worried about losing him. Does anyone know of options? Some of the ones we've looked at online don't seem to work in crowded areas like malls, etc.
I know it sounds crazy...but I write my cell phone number on his arm with a sharpie under the edge of his shirt. My son doesn't know our number but he knows enough to point to it if he gets lost.
By the you know about the Disney special needs pass? It shortens the wait time and keeps you out of those super tight zigzag lines. It helps us out a lot! Have fun!
my uncle has a company out of Dallas, TX. the etrak company will provide any autistic child a tracking device free of charge! my daughter Haley is 19 and has been running since before she could walk! haha if thats possible. Uncle John has developed and is pre-selling the devices online right now! Please let them know on the preorder that your child is an autistic "eloper" and the device will be free to you! please spread the word that this offer is for ANY and ALL children with diabilities! hope things stay calm for you. Haley's mom
the link is
Shannon, thanks so much for the advice! How do we contact your uncle / preorder? I didn't see a link to do that. Thanks again! Chris
I have seen a wrist bracelet that comes with a chip that would track him if he is lost check online! Sounds silly but they do have harnesses and leashes like wrist bracelets that connect to mom and child that I have seen also.
Select Autism Merchandise has autism tattoos where you can write your cell phone number on it in case your child wanders off. They recommend placing it on the child's hand or arm, or somewhere clearly visible. It says the child has autism. Good luck and have fun!
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