Where Is A Great Place To Live Near Baltimore MD That Has Great Special Education Programs?
Hi I am planning to move into the Baltimore, MD area (closer to Columbia, Ellicott City) this coming summer. I am looking to see if any one knows of where a good place in this area would be to live in regards to which county/school district have really good special education programs. My son will be 8 years old going into second grade. Any help/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.
We use to live in Columbia, MD and I'm sorry we moved away. Howard County does have the resources for special needs. The squeaky wheel gets oiled. My son was in a inclusive classroom at Fulton Elementary school in Fulton which was successful. Middle school not successful at Ellicott Mills Middle School in an inclusive classroom. Kennedy Krieger is a great place for information or school. Depends what your child's needs are. We can talk more if you'd like.
Even if you are on the waiting list for Kennedy, you can contact the resource finder (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators).
You can contact Kennedey Krieger's "Resource Find" program and they can point you in the right direction for resources closest to where you will be living and/or working.
oops! Meant to say, "I'm not sure how severe you son is to attend Kennedy Kreiger School."
Try "find parents" and searching for parents in or near Baltimore. Then you can reach out to some of them by posting on their walls. You can also check out their teams to see what providers they use . Pls let me know how it goes!
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