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A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bantam, CT

Any suggestions about how to motivate an 11 year old girl with AS to independently practice good hygiene ?

November 22, 2011
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A MyAutismTeam Member

you could try emphasizing how much better she feels when she's clean. Try to help point out how uncomfortable it can be to be dirty. Be specific and detailed if needed. It can be gross, but hopefully she'll understand. My son doesn't usually bother to do something if he fails to see the point in doing so. You could use the help of a sequence list with the steps of what she should do in order. It should be age appropriate, so if she can read, use just words or maybe pictures as well. If she can't read, use just pictures and a simple word or two. This has helped my son remember he needs to wash his hands after using the bathroom because he sees the pictures.

November 23, 2011
A MyAutismTeam Member

I have the same problem with my daughter (15YO). Her therapist suggested that a shower be the problem. the shower raining down on her may be a situation she doesn't like? I said "I never thought of that", she always ask to take a bath and she takes so long in a bath I would always tell her no. Well now I gave in and she doesn't argue to bathe? She hasn't said anything about the shower sensation bothering her but she may not know why she doesn't like "she just doesn't". Just thought I would pass it along. LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERYDAY, and my daughter is 15, it never occurred to me, I just thought she was just being stubborn?

December 3, 2011
A MyAutismTeam Member

My son is 10 1/2 and happens to be VERY social, which helps...he's not great at it...just wants it. This is the motivation I have used. "Our friends enjoy being around us if we smell nice, and look groomed, and don't have bad breath". He is slowly warming up to the idea. He at least washes his face now when I tell him about the "milk-mustache" or the dried snot in his nose. :)
I also bought him a book on the beginnings of puberty and how bodies will start to change. It addressed body odor and good hygiene. I think it helped to see that this is an issue addressed to all....not just him.
I wish you luck!!

November 24, 2011
A MyAutismTeam Member

I agree with Dandelion82 pictures work great! When my son wouldn't wash his hands I had to explain to him what germs are and that they could make him sick. I even found a neat picture online that depicts the germs as tiny monsters that eat away at his fingers. It worked like magic! I also created a visual sequence list with pictures and posted them in the bathroom. I have one for washing his hands, brushing his teeth, and how to properly take a shower.

December 9, 2011
A MyAutismTeam Member

We use the checklist toobut mine is only 7,i just keep working with her and like above telling he peoplelike when whe smells clean especially mommy since she loves to please. The hardest part is brushing her teeth because of the sensitivity so i brushed for some time with a baby tooth brush and she graduated to her very own Hello Kitty spinbrush. It took awhile but we went to the debtist and oh mom was more scared then her but she did awesome some pain during xrays which took quite a long time but then did fine. No cavaties so she was rewarded and I told her that's another reason we brush. Now she sometimes just wants to do it,we still need towork on squeezing the right amount of tooth paste on the brush not the pj's. Lol.

November 28, 2011

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