ANY Suggestions Appreciated. Trying To Get The Ball Rolling On Therapy (diagnosis Was 2 Months Ago).
Lady who gave me report was on her last week. Spent a month online, overwhelmed myself w/treatment options. Called insurance, they can’t tell me anything w/o specific treatment (report lists areas of focus, no type). Called diagnosis place few wks ago, was told they’d see about diff clinician looking over report & advising me. Still waiting. Pediatrician gave me list of 3 centers to try. One closed last year due to funding. One is too far for continual treatment. 3rd is place I’m already dealing… read more
ABA therapy does teach social skills. My son did ABA therapy from age 6 1/2 to age 8. He was a huge help! Highly recommend it.
Thanks! I’ll look into that. Had not considered doing so. While I love our pediatrician, she is new & not exp w/autism so that’s a good idea. I also started an ebook yesterday- ‘A Parent’s Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism’ and tho I’m only 1/3 way thru it, I LOVE this book! It seems very comprehensive & seems to suggest that many of the go-to therapies (ABA, ESDM) are targeted at birth-prek. If correct, we have missed this window & may benefit more from more age-appropriate alternatives. I did not see this mentioned online. I’m sure its still possible, but may be more beneficial for child <5. Thanks for taking the time out to respond!
If you can find a developmental pediatrician that specializes in autism that may be helpful to have that person advise you. Since you would probably only need to consult once or twice a year, it could be worth going outside of the area you live to do. Hope you find the answers you need. Wish I could be of more help.
Hi there,
How old is your child? There aren't any easy answers to your questions. I wouldn't hesitate do to private therapy AND the speech and OT he gets at school.
The ugly truth of the specials need community is while early intervention is key, there's often a waiting list to get services your child needs now. Years ago I put my son on as many waiting lists as possible. Then we started services with the first clinic that became available. The clinician turned out to be an excellent fit. However, I would keep my child on waiting lists until I was sure that I've found services that are benefiting him.
Thanks! He is 6, 1st grade, General ed class w/speech 2x/wk/OT 1x, at school. I feel like he would benefit from more speech/OT than he is getting so wasn’t sure if I should ask about the same ppl seeing him privately outside of the school or going w/diff providers for that. And then on the subject of an autism therapy like ABA/CBT/PRT/RDI, etc, etc, etc, my report did not contain any specific treatment type so I’m not sure why it wasn’t initially mentioned that a follow up assessment, treatment plan usually follows but I left not knowing what to do next. Only after talking to my insurance month later was I told that a diagnosis should include this info, so I’ve been blindly flailing around online trying to make that determination myself bc nobody told me that. So I’m on a waiting list with same place to have this done, but was wondering if I should contact private psychologists w/autism exp instead, and they could make their own assessment based off the report and handle his treatment? I’m just not sure if I should stick with the place I’ve already been, as they’re the only ‘autism clinic’ type service in my area, or if a private individual could provide the services we need as there are many more of them around? Since he’s high functioning, I’m not sure if ABA will or won’t be necessary, and as the clinic offers just that & speech, I’m not sure I couldn’t find an individual(s) who is comparable to provide services we need. Tough when I don’t have a knowledge on what exactly those services are. I don’t want to miss out on services he needs, but I’m not sure if what he needs cannot be obtained thru individual providers?
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